Benefits of starting martial arts at a young age
Benefits of starting martial arts at a young age

Martial arts are a true art of living, a real life philosophy. This sport offers many benefits for those who practise it: flexibility, agility, concentration, self-confidence, discipline and rigour…

Can children practive martial arts ?

Introducing children to martial arts at an early age can be beneficial in many ways. Children's ability to learn and absorb new things can be up to 5 times faster than an adult. Moreover, for children, the lessons they will learn from martial arts will have an impact far beyond the training room. They can be relevant to school, or even to the wider external environment. At school, children will be better able to listen to others, respect authority, or be more able to resolve conflicts and keep calm when tensions arise. Martial arts can also allow children to avoid tantrums and learn how to deal with frustration.


 Despite the fact that martial arts is a rather solitary activity, children will feel part of an entire world within the dojo, and will feel like they belong to a group and will creating lasting ties with other children their own age. They will learn to respect adults and other children.


Finally, martial arts are a way for children to develop a philosophy of life, a sense of responsibility and respect for others. Martial arts, in addition to being a physical activity, is also ideal for building discipline. Teaching your child these values is bound to be constructive.
We live in an age in which children spend less and less time doing physical activity. Enrolling your child in martial arts is an excellent way for them to be physically active!


Wich martial art to choose for your child ?



There are many different martial arts: judo, karate, kung fu, jujitsu, etc. Which one is right for you?
Judo :  this is one of the many events at the Olympic Games. It's undoubtedly the martial art that is most popular with children. It provides outstanding physical training without the risk of injury.
Karate : respect and discipline are the values promoted by karate. It also teaches many life lessons. It teaches attack and defence techniques, using the hands and legs.
Jujitsu : this discipline is more focused on immobilization techniques to subdue an enemy. It offers excellent physical training.
Kung-fu : children essentially learn movements, which are more complex than in other martial arts. These movements are known for being fast and smooth.
Aïkido : this is a martial art that uses bare hand techniques and a staff. It's more defence-oriented. It is particularly suitable for patient and calm children.
Taekwondo : it focuses on kicking movements. This requires great flexibility and agility. It also allows for significant development of concentration.